Green iguana is mostly found in Central and South America, and Carrie Bean Island. They stay around rivers and ponds. Green iguana is from the family of Iguanidae. It is among the largest reptile, which are herbivores in nature. Average life span of iguana is around 10 to 15 years in their natural habitat. However in captive environment they can live up to 15-20 years if properly cared.
Length of green iguana reaches up to 5 to 7 feet whereas; its tail tends to be half of the length of their body. Tail of iguana can re-grow. Due to their large size they require large enclosure to fit and rest in. They have very strong legs and heavy claws on toes. Green iguanas have a bright green coloration when they are born. Color gets dull green, as they mature. Male green iguanas have more spines, longer dewlaps and larger jowls, whereas females have smaller dewlaps. This information will help you in selecting best green iguana for your home. It is significant for one to fulfill their basic requirements in order to make them feel secure.
- One can provide calcium to their green iguanas by feeding several things like - - Kale, collards, ar
- ula, watercress, turnip greens, mustard greens etc.
- Iguana likes to have a large amount of fresh vegetables in their diet. Therefore one can add fresh vegetables like - carrots, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupes, Cauliflower, celery and cucumber in their diet.
- Fruits such as strawberry, raspberry, cantaloupe, bananas, grapes, and cherries can be included in diet of green iguana
- Green iguana diet must contain proper amount of vitamins and minerals. It helps in healthy and active growth of iguana. One can also feed them with grains.
- Animal protein should be strictly avoided from diet of green iguana as it leads to digestion problem in iguana.
- Green iguana should be provided with a clean and healthy environmental habitat.
- Green iguana requires bigger house to fit in. Iguana house should be at least twice the size of iguana.
- One can decorate their iguana house with trees and plants. It is because iguana loves to climb on trees, since the iguanas are arboreal and climbing is one of the essential features of the green iguana.
- All the dishes (food and water) and accessories (substrates) used in the iguana cage should be clean and hygienic.
- Temperature should be maintained around 80-85 degree Fahrenheit in day and in night it should be around 75-80 degree Fahrenheit.
- Basking spot should have temperature of about 90-95 degree Fahrenheit.
- Iguana habitat must include both warmer and cooler areas in order to regulate their body temperature.
- Green iguana habitat must include UVA and UVB light. UVA light is essential to maintain their natural behavior. UVB light is needed to maintain Vitamin D3 and to digest the food.
- Humidity level should be kept high in green iguana habitat. It should be around 75-85% in iguana cage.
- Green iguana gets sexually matured at the age of 2 or 3 years. Female green iguana burrows a hole of around 2 to 3 feet deep and lays 30- 33 eggs in it.
- When the egg hatches, hatchling comes above the surface/hole. The strongest one survives and finds their way alone.
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